The term ÒMicaÓ is a collection of natural minerals. Silver mica capacitor is a capacitor that uses the name mica as the dielectric. These capacitors are classified into two types, namely silver mica capacitor and damp...
Li-Fi is a technology for wireless communication between devices using light to transmit data and position. In its present state only LED lamps can be used for the transmission of visible light. In technical terms, Li-Fi...
Lidar is a surveying method that measures distance to a target by illuminating the target with pulsed laser light and measuring the reflected pulses with a sensor. Differences in laser return times and wavelengths can th...
LED drivers are the essential components of LED lamps or luminaries. A good LED driver can guarantee a long life for an LED system and provide additional features such as dimming and control. The LED drivers can be put i...
Laser crystal may refer to:Active laser medium, the source of optical gain within a laser_bubblegram, a 3D image composed of points suspended in a medium, typically a plastic block.Scope of the Report:This report focuses...
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