Automatic water level controllers are extensively utilized in open well, bore well, sumps, single-phase motors, and three-phase motors. Drainage systems, commercial complexes, apartments, hotels, and factories are the ma...
A peak flow meter is a portable, easy-to-use device that measures how well your lungs are able to expel air. By blowing hard through a mouthpiece on one end, the peak flow meter can measure the force of air in liters per...
Confocal microscopy, most frequently confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), is an optical imaging technique for increasing optical resolution and contrast of a micrograph by means of using a spatial pinhole to block ...
Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) was designed for use in the most demanding applications, including satellite broadcasting systems, Airborne, Missile, Radars and Commercial & Communication. SSPAs: A series of combined ...
LAN cards are hardware devices that can be added to a computer, or they can be integrated into the main hardware of the computer. A LAN card connects a computer to a network. Users could connect to the network via an Eth...
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