Semiconductor & Electronics


Wearable Mobile Sensor enable monitoring human behavior in different conditions.Scope of the Report:The market for Wearable Mobile Sensor is expected to grow rapidly in the next few years.In 2017, Asia is the largest con...

A physical unclonable function, or PUF, is a "digital fingerprint" that serves as a unique identity for a semiconductor device such as a microprocessor.Scope of the Report:The market for PUF Panel is expected to grow rap...

Production Switcher is Powerful multi-channel mixing switchers for live event production Ð HD or SD.Scope of the Report:For forecast, the global Production Switcher revenue would keep increasing.The worldwide market for...

The automotive microcontroller is an integrated chip that controls the functioning of the automobiles. In a single chip, the microcontroller consists of ROM, timer, RAM, serial and parallel interface, and interrupt sched...

Automotive electronics are electronic systems used in vehicles, including engine management, ignition, radio, carputers, telematics, in-car entertainment systems and others. Scope of the Report:The worldwide market for A...