Enterprises focus on integrating their real-time communication tools such as text messaging, video conferencing, voice messaging, and other mobility features in their products to leverage the advancements in communicatio...
TV subscription is the service that is delivered (on paying a subscription fee) to the viewer using a cable or over the air. Video and voice services, games, movies, and contents from various demographics are some of the...
A computer system or software within a computer system that determines if a requested page or file has already been stored in memory or on its hard disk. If it has not, the request is sent upstream to its normal destinat...
V2V Communication technology refers to the systems that enable communication of automotive with each other to provide improved awareness of the surrounding environment and information regarding the future actions of the ...
Channel-in-a-box (CiaB) is defined as collapsing the pieces of traditional master control and playout chain such as switchers, graphics, servers, audio, routing and channel branding into a single integrated software appl...
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