Duplex head nails are specialty nails useful for temporary construction, such as form work foræpouring concrete or attaching temporary cleats during roofing work. You drive the nail until the lower head is flush with th...
Box nails are similar to common nails and sinkers but have thinner shanks and are better suited to thinner wood materials, such asæ 1x (3/4-inch-thick) lumber and exterior trim. Box nails should not be used for structur...
Nails can be made from a variety of metals, including ordinary steel, stainless steel, brass, copper, or aluminum. Or, nails can be galvanized or plated with zinc or another metal. Most construction nails are steel, ofte...
Roofing nails, sometimes calledæclout nails,æhaveæa short shank and a wide, flat, thin head. They can be used to fastenæshingles, roofing felt, or sheet metal to wood. The shanks can be smooth or ringed for increased...
Plastic coated wire are popular in a number of industries as they offer increased protection and improved aesthetics over traditional metal cables as they are available in a number of colors and textures.Scope of the Rep...
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