

Lupine is a blue coloured flowering plant belonging to legume family (fabaceae) of the genus of lupinus sativa. In agricultural varieties, there are four major classifications, on the basis of colour namely yellow lupine...

Demand for agrifiber products is growing as they possess commercially beneficial characteristics in comparison to wood fiber based products. As compared to wood fiber products, agrifiber products are relatively greater i...

Agricultural micronutrients are elements that control certain activities in crops to increase the yield and improve their quality. These agricultural micronutrients help in protecting crops from insects and infections, e...

The Adirondack Blue is a potato variety with blue flesh and skin with a slight purple tint. The Adirondack varieties are unusual because both the skin and the flesh are colored and have high levels of anthocyanins. This ...

Cattle feed and feed additives are used for improving the quality of feed to enhance yield and overall cattleƕs health. Cattle feed are gaining popularities mainly due to the enhance performance and increasing applicati...